Bücher von Pastor Olu Ewulo

Pastor Joshua Olu Ewulo ist der Senior Pastor der Pfingstgemeinde Christian Pentecostal Church (International) in Berlin, eine wachsende Gemeinde mit Niederlassungen in Deutschland und Spanien.

Und der HERR zog vor ihnen her, am Tage in einer Wolkensäule, um sie den rechten Weg zu führen, und bei Nacht in einer Feuersäule, um ihnen zu leuchten, damit sie Tag und Nacht wandern konnten.
2 Buch Mose 13:21

Gott dient seinen Knechten um ihnen zur Einrichtung einer International Pfingstgemeinde zu helfen. Denn er an das Leben, das Herz, den Glauben und der Freiheit der Menschheit interessiert .

Im Gehorsam gegenüber diesem göttlichen Mandats wurde das Ministerium Chapel of Glory im Jahr 2000 gegründet.

Pastor Joshua Olu Ewulo ist ein warmherziger, dynamischer und lebhafter Fürsprecher des Evangeliums Christi in dieser Endzeit. Er hat eine apostolische Berufung und erfüllt seinen Auftrag mit einer starken, göttlichen Salbung. Er predigt das Wort Gottes unverdünnt ohne Kompromisse. Gott hat ihn mit demselben Geist, der mächtig durch die Apostel gewirkt hat, ausgestattet. Um die Gefangenen zu befreien und ihre Seelen für das reich Gottes zu gewinnen.

Dieses Mandat seiner Berufung von Gott setzt er unermüdlich ein um die Hoffnungslosen zu befreien und ihnen eine Zukunft zum Leben zu geben.

Pastor Joshua Olu Ewulo ist ein Autor von zahlreichen christlichen Büchern. Er ist ein Gospel-Sänger sowie als Sprecher bei Konferenzen und Lehrveranstaltungen. Er ist glücklich verheiratet mit Pastor Debbie Olu Ewulo.

Seien Sie mit dem Erbe Gottes gesegnet.

Born to be Fruitful
Born to be Fruitful

Born to be Fruitful

Having deep insight to the root of barreness, It is essential finding solution to it. When we understand the provisions God made for us, this understanding equips us with information. And knowing how to go about it to make them real in our life is called revelation. You can read in this book, powerful keys to get rid of barreness (spiritually and physically) so as to get into the fruitfulness of your life. As you receive the revelation in this book, this same revelation will catapult you to your destiny and you will come out with the desired result which God has promised.

Manifesting GOD´S Glory
Manifesting GOD´S Glory

Manifesting GOD´S Glory

The Agenda or plan of God for His Children is to move from glory to glory in order to manifest His glory on earth. The main reason for God bringing this book on your way is to put you on the right track of glory, stir up the hidden treasure (glory) in you and bring you out of ignorance to creativity. Where you are now which seems to be the best for you is not at all. You are yet to get the best. Therefore, give out the good for better in order to attain the best. God has created you to settle for the glory that glisters not to settle for anything lesser than the glory He has ordained for you. Glory is the light that exposes whatsoever that is hidden. However, you can reach out to your God-given glorious destiny by totally trusting God. Seek Him for Divine guidance and direction as well as allowing God to illuminate you to achieve the best for your life, so that He will have pleasure in creating you.

Turning sorrow into Laughter
Turning sorrow into Laughter

Turning sorrow into Laughter

God’s purpose for mankind is of good and not of evil. He is the source of every good gift. Divine laughter is a gift from God which is meant for all His creature. Affliction of various kinds leads to sorrow and these are caused by having contact with power of darkness through parental linkage, evil covenant, self bondage etc. It is only the supernatural hand of God that can deliver you, set you free totally and give you laughter. God is committed to cause you to laugh over that sorrowful situation you find yourself.

Gatteway to my open Heaven
Gatteway to my open Heaven

Gatteway to my open Heaven

This is a prophetic prayer book. GATEWAY TO MY OPEN HEAVEN gives us priviledge to know how to unlock heaven in order to tap into the promises of God with everlasting security from the Almighty God. The word of God declares "Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hand to war, and my fingers to fight". Psalms 144:1. The assurance of your open heaven is there but you must pass through the right channel to get into your open heaven. Those things that seems delayed, when you launch to the deep of the word of God and pick up challenges in prayer, nothing can stop your heaven to be open. Your end point shall be SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS IN ALL AREA OF LIFE.

I shall be Crown with favour
I shall be Crown with favour

I shall be Crown with favour

Every great personality in the Scripture operated on the wings of Divine Favour. Favour is an important issue in man’s life. Life is competitive and incomplete without favour with God and man. Favour is an inheritance from above and for you to be crown with favour Heaven must smile on you. Nothing on earth can be accomplished without contacting divine favour.

Victory Nuggets
Victory Nuggets

Victory Nuggets

Victory in Christ Jesus over all situations is the assets of all those that have been redeemed. It is the medal which every believer must possess to prove to the world that Christ has redeemed us from the power of darkness into His marvellous light. Victory can not be attained until a man put on the character and mentality of victors. Many lost battle because they were not rightly equipped for the battle. Therefore, start see yourself as an overcomer, confess your victory always, celebrate it and maintain it.